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Ovidis and PARKINSON’S: an ally of choice when it comes to dressing!

Ovidis and PARKINSON’S: an ally of choice when it comes to dressing!

Clothing for Parkinson's patients

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that progressively affects the ability to move making daily activities increasingly difficult for older people. People living with this condition suffer from tremors, muscle stiffness, slower or slowed reflexes, and loss of automatic movements that may require them to need additional help and care to, for example, dress and undress.

Here are some useful tips that will help you, as a caregiver, to dress the elderly person suffering from Parkinson’s disease that you are looking after:

  • Be sure to provide them with different clothing choices for each day to remind them that although they may need help dressing, they are still in control of their own lives. This is extremely important for their sense of independence and therefore for their self-esteem and self confidence.
  • Reduce the time needed to get them dressed by preparing in advance the complete outfits you’ll be showing them. This will allow you to spend more time with them instead of looking through their wardrobe!
  • Consider Ovidis Adaptive clothes if the elderly person suffering from Parkinson’s, you are a caregiver for is in a wheelchair. Clothing with full back openings secured with snap buttons and pants with side openings or back panels that have Velcro closures will help you reduce the risk of slipping and fallings as they will not have to stand to get dressed. They can lie down or sit comfortably while you help get them dressed.
  • Be careful not to buy tight socks for the elderly that have Parkinson’s. Not only are they difficult to put on, but they can also restrict blood flow to the feet. Be mindful of their backs and have them sit down, or even lie down, when you put on their socks or shoes.
  • Take advantage of dressing time to have the elderly person suffering from Parkinson exercise if it was recommended, they exercise. Have them slightly move their legs or arms as you help them get dressed. These little exercises can go a long way in maintaining muscle flexibility. They can either lie down or sit comfortably while you help them get dressed.
  • If one of their limbs is more rigid than the other, be sure to put the sleeve or pant leg on that leg or arm first to reduce their uneasiness, limit unnecessary movement and discomfort.
  • Older people suffering with advanced Parkinson’s disease are often unable to express their discomfort when it comes to clothing. This is why it is important to keep an eye out for tell tale signs such as excessive sweating or rashes. If you notice either one of these, adaptive clothing will better meet their needs as they were carefully designed with fabrics that are soft and gentle on the skin and whose characteristics meet both their functional needs and personal style.

As the caregiver of a person suffering with Parkinson’s disease, the small changes pertaining to dressing listed above will ensure them a maximum of comfort, and allow you to keep them safe while helping them get dressed easily.

Read more about  Parkinson's Québec, Parkinson's Canada and Parkinson's Fondation

Find adaptive clothes for elderly men and women suffering from Parkinson’s disease that offer style and functionality at www.ovidis.com.

Ovidis Adaptive wear collection for women :  https://ovidis.com/collections/women

Ovidis Adaptive wear collection for men : https://ovidis.com/collections/men

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